Safety at Everyman Theatre

A patron resource guide to health and safety at Everyman Theatre.

Please refer back to this page for the latest information on the steps we are taking at Everyman Theatre to provide an environment to which you feel comfortable returning. Our promise to you is clear and open communication every step of the way. Our practices, policies, and guidelines are subject to change based on public health and local government recommendations.


Blue Coast Security

Everyman is proud to have Blue Coast Security officers for every performance. Our security officers are there the entire show, keeping watch of our patrons, staff, and theatre.  

Downtown Partnership

Along with our own security team, patrons might also see security from Downtown Partnership make their rounds.

Theatre Facility

Upgraded Air Quality

Our HVAC system is designed to pull in outside air for direct ventilation and air exchange, and we have made adjustments to allow for maximum air exchange rates in the theatres, lobbies, and all backstage areas. There will be a full air exchange between every audience as well as consistent air exchanges at all times when the building is occupied.

We have also upgraded to MERV-14 filters throughout the building in order to maximize filtration in accordance with ASHRAE standards. Additionally, we have added high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration units in smaller, high-traffic areas as recommended by the CDC.


Enhanced Cleanliness

We’ve enhanced our cleaning game big time at Everyman Theatre to ensure a healthy environment for all of our guests. Bathrooms, lobby, Box Office area, and the theatre itself are all thoroughly cleaned between each performance.

No-Touch Upgrades

Our bathrooms have gone all no-touch. All toilets, faucets, soap dispensers, and hand dryers have been upgraded for easy, contactless use. Additionally, you may choose to receive your tickets via email and access your program digitally if you prefer.

Our Audiences

Face Coverings + Vaccines

Masks are encouraged, but not required for attendance.

While proof of vaccination is not required, we strongly recommend up-to-date vaccines.

Hand Sanitizer

Feeling like a quick hand cleaning might do the trick? Stop by any of the hand sanitizing stations throughout the venue for a little refresher.

Under the Weather?

We ask any patron who is feeling ill to please stay home. Our staff and volunteers are expected to do the same.

Actors, Staff, + Volunteers

Face Coverings

Face coverings are encouraged but not required for all crew, employees, volunteers, vendors, and patrons while in the theatre.

Please note, our actors will not be wearing masks during the performance.

Health Check

All actors, staff, and volunteers are asked to stay home if they are feeling ill or symptomatic, and are subject to health screenings should the need arise.