Student Safety Protocols

We are committed to providing a safe place for students of all ages to step into a deeper sense of self, community, and the world. Please refer back to this page for the latest information on the steps we are taking at Everyman to provide a learning environment to which you feel comfortable returning. Our promise to you is clear and open communication every step of the way. Our practices, policies, and guidelines are subject to change based on public health and local government recommendations.

Spring Semester Safety Protocols

Early Childhood (Ages 3 – 5)

For our youngest students, we are requiring a negative Covid-19 test result in order to participate in class. Upon registration, you will receive information on ways Everyman Theatre ensures this process is as easy as possible.

Face coverings are required for the duration of class. 

Youth (Grades K – 8)

Face coverings are required for the duration of class.

Adult Performance Based Classes

We are requiring proof of vaccination and/or a negative Covid-19 test.

Face coverings are optional.

Adult Non-Performance Based Classes

Face coverings are required for the duration of class.

Students of ALL Ages

All Everyman Theatre staff and teaching artists are fully vaccinated and will adhere to the above face masking requirements based on the type of class they are teaching.

In the event Everyman Theatre needs to cancel a class due to COVID-19, refunds will be issued and/or options offered to students to use credit for future class experiences.

Water Bottles
We recommend water frequently throughout class experiences and ask that students provide their own water bottle clearly labeled.

Feeling Ill
Any students feeling ill for any reason must remain at home. Simply email or call 443-776-8580 to notify us of your absence.

The Facility

Enhanced Cleanliness
We have enhanced our cleaning game. Lobbies, Box Office, Theatre, and all Classroom spaces are thoroughly cleaned prior to and after each class experience.

No-Touch Upgrades
Our bathrooms are now all No-Touch. Toilets, facets, soap dispensers, are all thoroughly cleaned in-between performance days

Upgraded Air Quality
Our HVAC system is designed to pull in outside air for direct ventilation and air exchange, and we have made adjustments to allow for maximum air exchange rates in all classrooms and lobbies. There will be full air exchange between every class days as well as consistent air exchanges at all times when the building is occupied. We have upgraded to MERV-14 filters throughout the building in order to maximize filtration in accordance with ASHRAE standards. Additionally, we have placed added high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration units in smaller, high traffic areas as recommended by the CDC.

Hand Sanitizer
Need a quick refresh? Hand Sanitizer stations are available in all classroom spaces as well as throughout the building.

Designated Spaces
Students will have designated spaces for classes and restrooms to avoid cross-over with others in the building. Education staff will track seating charts and provide each student with their own chair for class use.

We’re more than just Great Stories, Well Told!

Throughout each season, Everyman Theatre offers an array of learning opportunities for students of all ages.